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Considering Baby #2? Ask Yourself These 6 Questions First

I'm asked all the time about the expenses that follow when kids are added to the family dynamic.  My answer is typically depends on how expensive you want them to be. Some of the expenses that young couples often have are excessive vacations, travel, eating out which are replaced with staying home more, eating in, and one family vacation a year because it is more difficult to the household expenses might actually be reduced!  Here are a couple of other factors to consider when adding to the growing family.  

1. Am I Sleeping and/or Thinking Clearly?

All kidding aside, children are a blessing and a healthy family outweighs anything related to money and financial stress.  These recommendations will surely make it less stressful financially, however parental powers usually enable us to unlock the strength to accomplish anything for our kids.  Money isn't everything when making decisions, however it will reduce stress that can be avoided if talked about ahead of time.  

2. Do I Have Enough Health Insurance?

Some PPO or HMO plans pay for the entire bill, whereas many others follow an 80-20 split, leaving you to pay 20 percent of the bill. If you are happy with the physicians and hospitals included in more comprehensive plans, it may be a good idea to consider switching over prior to becoming pregnant.

3. Do I Have Enough Life Insurance?

With two children, you might need to beef up your life insurance coverage. A financial planner can provide great advice on the type of insurance to buy and how much coverage you may need. Employers will also sometimes offer life insurance policies equal to a year's salary as part of your benefits or for a nominal fee. You can also consider purchasing a term life insurance plan for a 20- to 30-year period. This cost-effective insurance covers your children's formative years and can help pay for college should anything happen to you or your spouse. Don't forget that each spouse will also need individual coverage. Universal life insurance typically includes an income component that may fit into your saving goals.

4. Can I Afford Daycare for Two?

If you currently pay about $1,000 a month for daycare, you're paying about the national average. In Pennsylvania, a couple can expect to pay on average about $11,800 a year for a 1-year-old and $8,200 for a 4-year-old. Many areas of the country are lower or higher, but this is a great reality check. 

5. Will You Need a New Car?

If you are driving a two-door car, it's possible to squeeze in one car seat, but what about two? Consider the impact of buying a new car along with the other costs associated with having a baby. Even if you have a car seat for your current child, they may still be using it, meaning another car seat will need to be purchased (and if there will be a bigger age gap between your two children, also keep in mind that many car seats also expire in terms of safety, so it is always a good idea to look into whether the seat you had for your first child can be used again). Or perhaps you want to upgrade to a larger SUV, especially if you're planning on having more kids. This is one of the pricier items of expanding your family and one that's often overlooked.

6. What Baby Items Should You Stock Up On?

If you've already decided to have a second child or just found out you're pregnant, hold off on buying too many baby items. Those adorable outfits, toys and strollers can cost thousands of dollars if you go overboard. Instead, you may want to spend the most money where it counts — safety items like baby monitors and new car seats are important!

To keep your families spending habits in line, ask another mom with two or more children to join you shopping. She can help you determine which items will give you the most bang for your buck and provide a lot of helpful advice.